- GAIA OSE - http://www.gaiaose.com/en -

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment for a real estate property in Kozani Rail Station

GAIAOSE SA (30 Liosion Str., 104 45 Athens, tel. +30 2108318158, fax: +30 2108318558, e-mail: gaiaose@gaiaose.gr) as a planning authority for the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment about a real estate property in Kozani Rail Station and according to the Joint Ministerial Decision 107017/5.9.06 (Β’ 1225):

  1. It announces that both the District Council and the Regional Council of Western Macedonia have the necessary information and details of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Strategic Plan (SEPA) in order to inform the public.
  2. It invites the relevant public to send written and sufficiently documented opinions to the Directorate for Environmental Licensing of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (address: 11 Alexandridas Avenue, 11473 Athens), within thirty (30) days from the publication of this notice.

The SEPA is also posted on the website of the planning authority (www.gaiaose.gr).