- GAIA OSE - http://www.gaiaose.com/en -

New deadline extension until 20/09/2018 of the international public tender’s phase A for the project “”Study, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and operation of logistics center in Gkonos army camp in Thessaloniki”.

GAIAOSE S.A. announces that according to decision No 258/Α3/16-07-2018 of the Directing Board, the deadline for the project’s phase A is extended until 20 September 2018 at Thursday 13:00pm, according to the 12.1 announcement’s section.

The extension of the deadline was decided in order for the interested parties to be further facilitated about their proposals preparation.

The extension deadline has been publicized by the company in the Official Journal of the European Union on 18 July 2018 under reference number 2018-106658.